Our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 primary sport workshops
(all links will open a new window on our main websites for the respective workshop)
Key Stage 2 sword fencing days
Key features of this workshop
Up to 4 classes in a day in a unique shared learning experience that will leave everybody feeling enthused and satisfied with their achievements
Delivered by an experienced coach with fun and safe foam and plastic equipment
Perfect for any gender or ability and fully adapted for everyone's needs
'A Best fencer' medal per class with a 'fencer of the day' trophy to inspire pupils to try hard, even if they don't win all their matches
Key Stage 1 sword fencing days
Key features of this workshop
Up to 4 classes in a day or 2 in a morning (if single form years 1 and 2) in the same experience as KS2 with even more games that will leave everybody feeling enthused and satisfied with their achievements
Delivered by an experienced coach with fun and safe foam swords
As per KS2, perfect for any gender or ability and fully adapted for everyone's needs
'A Best fencer' medal per class with a 'fencer of the day' trophy to inspire pupils to try hard, even if they don't win all their matches